Dr. Frédéric Coutrot
Supramolecular Machines and ARchitectures Team
Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM) UMR 5247 Cnrs
Université de Montpellier, Pôle Chimie Balard
1919 route de Mende
34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France


■ How to reach us  Montpellier is located in the south of France, at the edge of the Mediterranean sea. It is at 3.5h from Paris by the train TGV. Its soft climate, its cultural and economical dynamism and its student life are many attractions for those who want to settle.

The SMARTeam will be pleased to welcome very motivated and enthousiastic students for PhD and Postdoctoral studies, as well as for short-stay trainees. Projects will mainly consist of organic chemistry, with a strong implication in supramolecular assembly, recognition, and molecular machinery.
To apply, please send an email with a CV and names of possible referees to:
Dr. Frédéric Coutrot, frederic.coutrot@umontpellier.fr

Frédéric Coutrot

Offres de stage niveau Master 2, frederic.coutrot@umontpellier.fr


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